News and updates
Desde este viernes 10 de diciembre es obligatorio presentar tu carnet de vacunación físico o virtual para ingresar a cualquier tienda o local comercial.
Read more07/06/2021
Booking your car rental in advance will not only allow you to get better prices, but you will also be able to activate the prepay option and earn an additional discount.
Read more29/01/2021
Seguiremos atendiendo a los trabajdores de empresas habilitadas en Fase 1 y 2
Read more28/08/2020
We want you to feel safe renting a car with us, that is why we share with you our Service Process in video format (Spanish version), so that you know the prevention measures we have taken to take care of you.
Read more20/04/2020
We are preparing to restart operations and we want you to know how your car rental experience will be safe for you, your companions and our staff. #TeCuidamosNusCuidamosTodos
Read more15/03/2020
Learn about the preventive measures that Budget Peru has been taking regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
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